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Chef Riz
Born and raised in the seaport of Karachi, Pakistan, Chef Rizwan Ahmed came to America to follow his passion for the environment and attained a degree in Marine Biology from the University of Maine. Upon graduation Chef Riz moved to Florida where he worked in the Marine Fisheries industry in Sarasota. It is here where his understanding of sustainability and his love for cooking wholesome food drew him to pursue his natural choice in career. He attended and earned honors at the Le Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts, London, England.With 10 years of training at multiple Michelin star-rated and AAA five diamond restaurants Chef Riz opened his own highly acclaimed restaurant the Hourglass Brasserie in the beautiful and quaint town of Bristol, Rhode Island where he lives with is wife, Nicole and their two daughters, Leah and Elise.
Chef Riz’s contemporary French menu was always inspired by his many street food ventures around the world. In late 2014 Chef Riz made the decision of turning his brick and mortar establishment into a more approachable street food concept. “Why not take my global experience and make it local, utilizing sustainable local ingredients backed by professionalism and put it on wheels.” And this is when Rhode Rage, a food truck serving global haute cuisine came of age. Join us in a culinary tour of the world on a street near you.